Wednesday, July 21, 2010



4* Calorad

The Revolutionary Wellness Formula


Demineralized water, Collagen Hydrolysat, Aloe Vera, Vegetal Glycerin, Potassium Sorbate and Methyl Paraben (from blueberries) and natural peach flavor

Calorad® is a nutritional supplement often used as a fat and inch loss product. It is a collagen protein formula that supports the body's lean muscle tissue and fuels the body's natural mechanisms. For those who carry around excess fat, the support of lean muscle assists the body in utilizing sugars and fats more efficiently. For those who are underweight or in good physical condition, Calorad® encourages stamina and vitality.


Calorad® is a natural product that does not stimulate, starve or trick the body into weight loss. This breakthrough formula feeds the body with a collagen protein supplement, resulting in the body shedding excess fat and toxins naturally.

A 20-year-old has firmer skin and tighter muscles than a 60-year-old because the body's col­lagen production slows with age. Calorad® supplies the body with very important nutrients to aid in collagen production. Unlike any collagen product on the market today, Calorad® is the result of a unique formula and process designed by Michel Grise after many years of research and use in the agricultural industry.

Most dramatic caloric reduction diets today trick the body into weight loss and in the process, sacrifice a high percentage of lean muscle mass (calorie burning tissue). Fitness studies indi­cate that an increase in lean muscle generally helps the body to utilize fats and sugars more efficiently.

Calorad® supports lean muscle and facilitates "fat" loss. Consequently, it helps people lose inches. In fact, many may lose a dress or pant size before noticing any difference on the bathroom scale. Some will experience results the first week, some not until the end of the third month.

The use of Calorad® does not require calorie counting, restricted diets or exercise. However, we still recommend maintaining a healthy diet and engaging in moderate exercise for maxi­mum results and overall health.

Calorad® is a safe and effective product with a proven record of well ness success. The uses of this product are wide in spectrum. It provides a special fuel that each body can utilize for its own highest good. Today, many health practitioners and consumers are using it as nutritional supplement.

How to Take Calorad for Best Results

For optimum weight or inch loss results with Calorad, we recommend that you follow these few simple directions:

THE FOLLOWING are some general rules that have proven helpful and effective for thousands of Calorad® users:

FIRST, don't try to abruptly change your present eating habits, but, also use what you know to be common sense. Be sure to follow your own Physician's advice when making changes.

Continue with a well-balanced diet, eat in moderation, try to drink at least eight glasses of water a day and continue to do whatever exercise (such as walking) that you would do anyway.

1. TAKE YOUR MEASUREMENTS and put them in a chart ‘
. Weigh once in the beginning but stay off the scales and
just measure yourself every two weeks. Many people experience inch
loss before weight loss. This is because muscle weights more than fat
and in time the muscle to fat ratio will be consistently balanced
throughout the whole body.

2. TAKE ONE TABLESPOON OF CALORAD® in or with an 8 oz glass of
water on any empty stomach. An empty stomach means no food or drink
of any kind (including sodas, teas, coffee, vitamins, pills, or even a piece of
candy) at least three hours before sleep. Check with your physician
regarding taking prescribed medicatons with dinner or earlier in the day.

activity after taking Calorad®. If you like to read or watch TV at bed­
time, keep Calorad® in a glass by your bed and take it when you turn
out the light. The first 90 minutes of sleep is when Calorad® begins to
assist the body in building learn muscle tissue, which in turn helps the
body in utilizing sugars and fats more efficiently. Taking Calorad®
prior to sleep (not in the middle of the night) on an empty stomach is
the most effective way for the body to utilize Calorad®.

Some will experience tangible results with Calorad® almost immedi­
ately while others may not see the results until the third month or
longer. Remember the weight you are attempting to lose did not appear
in 90 days. However, the majority of users may experience the wellness
benefits of taking Calorad® in the first 30 days and may decide It is also
important to note that Calorad® is a wellness product that supports the
body's total health including balancing the muscle to fat ratio and may be
taken everyday as a foundational health product. It is a product for life!

5. FOR ENERGY AND STAMINA, take Calorad® 30 minutes before
an athletic work-out or in the morning 30-45 minutes before eating (Minimum of 20 ). If you need to lose pounds and inches however, and for the most effec­tive muscle building, you should use the evening program with the three hour empty stomach and drink plenty of water. You will build lean muscle tissue even while following the daytime energy program.
Exercise is not required, however a sensible exercise program is good
for us. Calorad® users report that the improved energy experienced
increases their desire to exercise naturally.

Calorad— A product for life!

Here's a brief overview of the history of Calorad®, a short sketch of how important and dynamic the weight management market is, and the simplicity of our product's delivery system.

*• We have a problem.

We are all facing it. It's been over 20 years since the fitness revolution began. We go to gyms, eat right, take supplements and spend over $40 billion a year on weight loss and fitness. All to look and feel good.

*• It isn't working.

We are losing the battle. Over 1/3 of all North Americans are overweight. 37.4 million of us are 35 percent or more overweight. We are on average eight pounds heavier than we were 15 years ago!

*• This creates huge health risks.

Severely overweight people run twice the risk of getting cancer, three times the risk of getting heart disease, and up to 40 times the risk of developing diabetes. And in some wild, crazy way, we are losing not only our physical health but our emotional well-being. We carry around the burden of the 10 or 15 extra pounds and pay the price with each bite of food.

*• Why is this happening?

Firstly, it's not our fault. The world has changed and we must adapt. Our bodies were made to expend more calories throughout the day. Modern technology and our new, more sedentary lifestyles have created this dilemma. And modern technology along with Mother Nature has given us the solution. It's a product called Calorad®,

*• The History of Calorad9.

Fifteen years ago, Michel Grise, a brilliant Canadian formulator was asked by a major agricul­tural laboratory to formulate a product that would eliminate the "fatty syndrome" in poultry. (Fat chickens stop laying eggs.) Within days, the fat was gone and the chickens and the chicken farmers were happy!

*• That's great for chickens, but how about us?!

That's where the truly great news begins. Due to the dramatic success of the product, Michel decided to reformulate the product for humans, naming it, "Calorad®." Michel tested Calorad® on himself and reported to us: "By simply taking a tablespoon of Calorad® with a glass of water on an empty stomach each night just prior to going asleep, I lost fat and weight and gained more muscle tone. Calorad® worked!"

That was 15 years ago! Since then, tens of thousands of people have achieved dramatic fitness and wellness results by using Calorad®.

*• Sound too good to be true?

That's what we said before we reviewed the information and experienced the results directly for ourselves! Our results have been phenomenal! Too good not to share with you!

*• Here's the plan.

You take a tablespoon of Calorad® and live your normal life. That's it. Calorad® works while you sleep. Calorad® works with or without the human will! Could it be any simpler?

% Calorad" — A product for life!




*. How does Calorad® work?

Calorad® is a nutritional supplement. Its collagen formula supports the body in building lean muscle tissue. For those who carry around excess fat, the building of lean muscle tissue assists the body in utilizing sugars

and fats more efficiently. For those who are trim, Calorad® helps to promote strength and


Calorad® is good for all body types. It is a food supplement, more specifically a collagen supplement, which enhances the body's natural mechanism of rejuvenation and repair. What is meant by "the body's natural mechanism of rejuvenation and repair?" When we go to sleep at night, the first 45 to 90 minutes of sleep is a period of productivity in the body. Our minds go to rest, but our bodies go to work in a process of revitalization and repair. Calorad®, when taken with a glass of water, in a stomach empty of food for a minimum of three hours, directly before sleep, fuels and feeds that process. Just like any protein that builds the body, Calorad® builds in a heightened way, when taken in the recommended manner.

The beauty of the program is that it is simple. The only behavior shift necessary is the cessation of food intake three hours prior to sleep. This in and of itself is a very healthy behavioral shift. In most diets, the behavior modification is to deprive the body of calories or specific food groups (like carbohydrates). This leads to perhaps some quick fix weight reduction, but results in the loss of muscle mass, which is imperative for efficient food reduction, but results in the loss of muscle mass, which is imperative for efficient food processing. In most diets, muscle mass is sacrificed for weight loss. With Calorad®, the building of muscle is what incurs the weight reduction. Consequently, people frequently lose inches as well as pounds. Some lose inches before they ever lose a pound, fitting differ­ently into their clothes or perhaps dropping a dress or pant size without noticing any changes on the scale. In fact, there are those who initially put on weight, but then lose inches because muscle weighs twice as much as fat.

The results show up differently in each subjective body. Some will experience noticeable results in the first week and some not until the third month. Some will lose steadily at a very slow rate (for instance one pound every two weeks) and some will plateau for a while. Calorad® supports different body types differently. A small percentage of the population, estimated at around 14 percent, will experience no weight or fat reduction with Calorad® because of their individual chemistry. These individuals, however, may benefit from the ingredients in Calorad® in much the same way they benefit from taking vitamin or mineral supplements. There is no wrong experience with the product. It is simply life supporting in various ways for different people. At minimum, Calorad® is a 90-day program to experience the full range of benefits applicable to your body's potential.

. How do I take Calorad9 for optimum weight management results?

One tablespoon of Calorad® should be taken directly before sleep, at least three hours after your last meal, with a full, eight ounce glass of water. You can mix Calorad® with the water or drink the two seperately. Taking Calorad® should be the last thing you do before going to sleep. If you plan to read or watch T.V., you should wait to drink Calorad® until you finish those activities. Calorad® works best if the stomach is empty of food for at least three hours and if you take it just as your head hits the pillow.

• Frequently asked questions, cont'd

. How do I take Ca/orad for energy and stamina?

CaloradP works to sustain daytime energy levels when taken in the above "nighttime" manner. For endurace and stamina, Calorad® can also be taken during the day, approximately one-half hour before meals. Athletes can take Calorad forty-five minutes to a half hour before working out to support endurance and strength.

. How should I take Calorad" if I don't want to take off weight?

Calorad® is primarily a nutritional supplement. Individuals who need to lose excess pounds and inches experience these results with Calorad® because it supports the body in building muscle mass and, consequently, utilizing fats and sugars more efficiently. Calorad® is not exclusively for any one body type, however. It can be taken by all physical types alike, both as a strength optimizer and as a nutritional support product. For individuals taking Calorad® as a nutritional supplement, either of the above methods are appropriate for usage.

C^. Can I take Calorad9 if I'm taking other vitamins and minerals? How about if I'm on medication?

Calorad® works with virtually all other nutritional supplements-that's the great part. We suggest that if you take other nutritional supple­ments you take them with your last meal to maximize the efficacy of Calorad®. Calorad® works best when there is no other activity in the digestive system. Similarly, if you are on medication, it is best to take it with your last meal, if permitted. If you have any questions about the compatibility of your medication with Calorad®, we strongly suggest you take Calorad® to the health practitioner of your choice before proceeding.

- What happens if I or my potential customer have... (diabetes, high blood pressure, etc.)?

The answer is always the same. Although Calorad® is purely and simply a protein supplement, we always recommend that when in doubt, any doubt, take it to a professional health practitioner.

C?- Are there any conditions under which I should not take Calorad®?

Pregnant and lactating women should not use Calorad®. And prepu-bescent children should not take Calorad®.

What kind of positive results can my customers expect in the first 30 days?

Not everyone will experience dramatic and profound inch loss in the first thirty days. Almost all will experience better sleep, improved over-all fitness, muscle toning, and increased energy. We encourage you to pay close attention to the positive transformations in your body. The results vary over a wide range of reported victories.

. My customer doesn't like the taste. What can they do?

Although we rarely hear that, it does come up once in a while. Here are our suggestions. They can hold their nose and the quarter of a second experience will be over quickly. Or they can dilute it in water. Either of these alternatives minimizes the "taste" experience of Calorad®.

. Can I have a snack during the three hours between my last meal and sleep?

No. Even a small piece of candy or fruit interferes with Calorad® working to its maximum effect. Three hours is the only restriction placed on the diet with Calorad®. We do recommend that individuals eat a healthy, well-balanced diet during the day to stay fit. This includes foods from all the major food groups. The beauty of the Calorad® program is that it works best when you do not deprive yourself of nutrients the body needs to function (including fats and carbohydrates). The only behavioral shift is to stop eating at least three hours prior to sleep. And this, in and of itself, is an extremely healthy shift to make.

. Where is collagen from?

Collagen is a bovine extract. It is taken from the connective tissue of cows. We use Swiss cows because they are held to very stringent health standards.

. What is potassium sorbate and methyl paraben?

Potassium sorbate and methyl paraben are both extracts from blueber­ries. Potassium sorbate is the lactone acid from blueberries and acts as a natural preservative in Calorad®. Methyl Paraben is alcohol extracted from blueberries and acts a a bonding agent as well as a natural preservative.

. What happens if it doesn't work in the first 30 days?

To draw conclusions after the first 30 days is a premature evaluation. Calorad® works differently with each subjective physiology. This means results could show up anywhere from one to three months into the program.

Frequently asked questions, cont'd

. What happens if it doesn't work in

30-60 days?

Again, the second month o f Calorad® may be too soon to judge with a particular person. One important tip is to put the scale away and pay attention to inches and how you fit in to your clothes.

. What happens if it doesn't work after 90 days?

If you have not experienced inch reduction after the third month of taking Calorad®, you may fall into the 14 percent of users who will not benefit from Calorad® as a weight management product. There are several reasons for this incompatibility, ranging from latent thyroid problems to personal chemistry issues. If you fall into this population, it does not mean that you will not benefit from the nutritional advantages Calorad® promotes. There is an intensive Calorad® program for individuals who do not experience results and wish to embark on an overall cleansing method to increase the potential of Calorad' s proper functioning.

C?. What happens if someone gains weight with Calorad®?

It is important that the scale not be the measure of success with Calorad® because muscle weighs more than fat. We suggest that you put the scale away and pay attention to inches lost and the way you fit into your clothing. Sometimes, people put on weight initially with Calorad® because the change in their body's muscle composition reflects as pounds on the scale. These same people, however, report inch reduc­tion and improved muscle tone which attests to the building of their bodies in a positive way.

I am "m"
find me at
if you have questions...

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